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- *usr_04.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 03
- VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
- Making small changes
- This chapter shows you several ways of making corrections and moving text
- around. It teaches you the three basic ways to change text: operator-motion,
- Visual mode and text objects.
- |04.1| Operators and motions
- |04.2| Changing text
- |04.3| Repeating a change
- |04.4| Visual mode
- |04.5| Moving text
- |04.6| Copying text
- |04.7| Using the clipboard
- |04.8| Text objects
- |04.9| Replace mode
- |04.10| Conclusion
- Next chapter: |usr_05.txt| Set your settings
- Previous chapter: |usr_03.txt| Moving around
- Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
- ==============================================================================
- *04.1* Operators and motions
- In chapter 2 you learned the "x" command to delete a single character. And
- using a count: "4x" deletes four characters.
- The "dw" command deletes a word. You may recognize the "w" command as the
- move word command. In fact, the "d" command may be followed by any motion
- command, and it deletes from the current location to the place where the
- cursor winds up.
- The "4w" command, for example, moves the cursor over four words. The d4w
- command deletes four words.
- To err is human. To really foul up you need a computer. ~
- ------------------>
- d4w
- To err is human. you need a computer. ~
- Vim only deletes up to the position where the motion takes the cursor. That's
- because Vim knows that you probably don't want to delete the first character
- of a word. If you use the "e" command to move to the end of a word, Vim
- guesses that you do want to include that last character:
- To err is human. you need a computer. ~
- -------->
- d2e
- To err is human. a computer. ~
- Whether the character under the cursor is included depends on the command you
- used to move to that character. The reference manual calls this "exclusive"
- when the character isn't included and "inclusive" when it is.
- The "$" command moves to the end of a line. The "d$" command deletes from the
- cursor to the end of the line. This is an inclusive motion, thus the last
- character of the line is included in the delete operation:
- To err is human. a computer. ~
- ------------>
- d$
- To err is human ~
- There is a pattern here: operator-motion. You first type an operator command.
- For example, "d" is the delete operator. Then you type a motion command like
- "4l" or "w". This way you can operate on any text you can move over.
- ==============================================================================
- *04.2* Changing text
- Another operator is "c", change. It acts just like the "d" operator, except
- it leaves you in Insert mode. For example, "cw" changes a word. Or more
- specifically, it deletes a word and then puts you in Insert mode.
- To err is human ~
- ------->
- c2wbe<Esc>
- To be human ~
- This "c2wbe<Esc>" contains these bits:
- c the change operator
- 2w move two words (they are deleted and Insert mode started)
- be insert this text
- <Esc> back to Normal mode
- If you have paid attention, you will have noticed something strange: The space
- before "human" isn't deleted. There is a saying that for every problem there
- is an answer that is simple, clear, and wrong. That is the case with the
- example used here for the "cw" command. The c operator works just like the
- d operator, with one exception: "cw". It actually works like "ce", change to
- end of word. Thus the space after the word isn't included. This is an
- exception that dates back to the old Vi. Since many people are used to it
- now, the inconsistency has remained in Vim.
- Like "dd" deletes a whole line, "cc" changes a whole line. It keeps the
- existing indent (leading white space) though.
- Just like "d$" deletes until the end of the line, "c$" changes until the end
- of the line. It's like doing "d$" to delete the text and then "a" to start
- Insert mode and append new text.
- Some operator-motion commands are used so often that they have been given a
- single letter command:
- x stands for dl (delete character under the cursor)
- X stands for dh (delete character left of the cursor)
- D stands for d$ (delete to end of the line)
- C stands for c$ (change to end of the line)
- s stands for cl (change one character)
- S stands for cc (change a whole line)
- The commands "3dw" and "d3w" delete three words. If you want to get really
- picky about things, the first command, "3dw", deletes one word three times;
- the command "d3w" deletes three words once. This is a difference without a
- distinction. You can actually put in two counts, however. For example,
- "3d2w" deletes two words, repeated three times, for a total of six words.
- The "r" command is not an operator. It waits for you to type a character, and
- will replace the character under the cursor with it. You could do the same
- with "cl" or with the "s" command, but with "r" you don't have to press <Esc>
- there is somerhing grong here ~
- rT rt rw
- There is something wrong here ~
- Using a count with "r" causes that many characters to be replaced with the
- same character. Example:
- There is something wrong here ~
- 5rx
- There is something xxxxx here ~
- To replace a character with a line break use "r<Enter>". This deletes one
- character and inserts a line break. Using a count here only applies to the
- number of characters deleted: "4r<Enter>" replaces four characters with one
- line break.
- ==============================================================================
- *04.3* Repeating a change
- The "." command is one of the most simple yet powerful commands in Vim. It
- repeats the last change. For instance, suppose you are editing an HTML file
- and want to delete all the <B> tags. You position the cursor on the first <
- and delete the <B> with the command "df>". You then go to the < of the next
- </B> and kill it using the "." command. The "." command executes the last
- change command (in this case, "df>"). To delete another tag, position the
- cursor on the < and use the "." command.
- To <B>generate</B> a table of <B>contents ~
- f< find first < --->
- df> delete to > -->
- f< find next < --------->
- . repeat df> --->
- f< find next < ------------->
- . repeat df> -->
- The "." command works for all changes you make, except for the "u" (undo),
- CTRL-R (redo) and commands that start with a colon (:).
- Another example: You want to change the word "four" to "five". It appears
- several times in your text. You can do this quickly with this sequence of
- commands:
- /four<Enter> find the first string "four"
- cwfive<Esc> change the word to "five"
- n find the next "four"
- . repeat the change to "five'
- n find the next "four"
- . repeat the change
- etc.
- ==============================================================================
- *04.4* Visual mode
- To delete simple items the operator-motion changes work quite well. But often
- it's not so easy to decide which command will move over the text you want to
- change. Then you can use Visual mode.
- You start Visual mode by pressing "v". You move the cursor over the text you
- want to work on. While you do this, the text is highlighted. Finally type
- the operator command.
- For example, to delete from halfway one word to halfway another word:
- This is an examination sample of visual mode ~
- ---------->
- velllld
- This is an example of visual mode ~
- When doing this you don't really have to count how many times you have to
- press "l" to end up in the right position. You can immediately see what text
- will be deleted when you press "d".
- If at any time you decide you don't want to do anything with the highlighted
- text, just press <Esc> and Visual mode will stop without doing anything.
- If you want to work on whole lines, use "V" to start Visual mode. You will
- see right away that the whole line is highlighted, without moving around.
- When you move left or right nothing changes. When you move up or down the
- selection is extended whole lines at a time.
- For example, select three lines with "Vjj":
- +------------------------+
- | text more text |
- >> | more text more text | |
- selected lines >> | text text text | | Vjj
- >> | text more | V
- | more text more |
- +------------------------+
- If you want to work on a rectangular block of characters, use CTRL-V to start
- Visual mode. This is very useful when working on tables.
- name Q1 Q2 Q3
- pierre 123 455 234
- john 0 90 39
- steve 392 63 334
- To delete the middle "Q2" column, move the cursor to the "Q" of "Q2". Press
- CTRL-V to start blockwise Visual mode. Now move the cursor three lines down
- with "3j" and to the next word with "w". You can see the first character of
- the last column is included. To exclude it, use "h". Now press "d" and the
- middle column is gone.
- If you have selected some text in Visual mode, and discover that you need to
- change the other end of the selection, use the "o" command (Hint: o for other
- end). The cursor will go to the other end, and you can move the cursor to
- change where the selection starts. Pressing "o" again brings you back to the
- other end.
- When using blockwise selection, you have four corners. "o" only takes you to
- one of the other corners, diagonally. Use "O" to move to the other corner in
- the same line.
- Note that "o" and "O" in Visual mode work very different from Normal mode,
- where they open a new line below or above the cursor.
- ==============================================================================
- *04.5* Moving text
- When you delete something with the "d", "x", or another command, the text is
- saved. You can paste it back by using the p command. (The Vim name for
- this is put).
- Take a look at how this works. First you will delete an entire line, by
- putting the cursor on the line you want to delete and typing "dd". Now you
- move the cursor to where you want to put the line and use the "p" (put)
- command. The line is inserted on the line below the cursor.
- a line a line a line
- line 2 dd line 3 p line 3
- line 3 line 2
- Because you deleted an entire line, the "p" command placed the text line below
- the cursor. If you delete part of a line (a word, for instance), the "p"
- command puts it just after the cursor.
- Some more boring try text to out commands. ~
- ---->
- dw
- Some more boring text to out commands. ~
- -------->
- welp
- Some more boring text to try out commands. ~
- The "P" command puts text like "p", but before the cursor. When you deleted a
- whole line with "dd", "P" will put it back above the cursor. When you deleted
- a word with "dw", "P" will put it back just before the cursor.
- You can repeat putting as many times as you like. The same text will be used.
- You can use a count with "p" and "P". The text will be repeated as many times
- as specified with the count. Thus "dd" and then "3p" puts three copies of the
- same deleted line.
- Frequently when you are typing, your fingers get ahead of your brain (or the
- other way around?). The result is a typo such as "teh" for "the". Vim
- makes it easy to correct such problems. Just put the cursor on the e of "teh"
- and execute the command "xp". This works as follows: "x" deletes the
- character e and places it in a register. "p" puts the text after the cursor,
- which is after the h.
- teh th the~
- x p
- ==============================================================================
- *04.6* Copying text
- To copy text from one place to another, you could delete it, use "u" to undo
- the deletion and then "p" to put it somewhere else. There is an easier way:
- yanking. The "y" operator copies text into a register. Then a "p" command
- can be used to put it.
- Yanking is just a Vim name for copying. The "c" letter was already used
- for the change operator, and "y" was still available. Calling this
- operator "yank" made it easier to remember to use the "y" key.
- Since "y" is an operator, you use "yw" to yank a word. A count is possible as
- usual. To yank two workds use "y2w". Example:
- let sqr = LongVariable * ~
- -------------->
- y2w
- let sqr = LongVariable * ~
- p
- let sqr = LongVariable * LongVariable ~
- Notice that "yw" includes the white space after a word. If you don't want
- this, use "ye".
- The "yy" command yanks a whole line, just like "dd" deletes a whole line.
- Unexpectedly, while "D" deletes from the cursor to the end of the line, "Y"
- works like "yy", it yanks the whole line. Watch out for this inconsistency!
- Use "y$" to yank to the end of the line.
- a text line yy a text line a text line
- line 2 line 2 p line 2
- last line last line a text line
- last line
- ==============================================================================
- *04.7* Using the clipboard
- If you are using the GUI version of Vim (gvim), you can find the "Copy" item
- in the "Edit" menu. First select some text with Visual mode, then use the
- Edit/Copy menu. The selected text is now copied to the clipboard. You can
- paste the text in other programs. In Vim itself too.
- If you have copied text to the clipboard in another application, you can paste
- it in Vim with the Edit/Paste menu. This works in Normal mode and Insert
- mode. In Visual mode the selected text is replaced with the pasted text.
- The "Cut" menu item deletes the text before it's put on the clipboard. The
- "Copy", "Cut" and "Paste" items are also available in the popup menu (only
- when there is a popup menu, of course). If your Vim has a toolbar, you can
- also find these items there.
- If you are not using the GUI, or if you don't like using a menu, you have to
- use another way. You use the normal "y" (yank) and "p" (put) commands, but
- prepend "* (double-quote star) before it. To copy a line to the clipboard: >
- "*yy
- To put text from the clipboard back into the text: >
- "*p
- This only works on versions of Vim that include clipboard support. More about
- the clipboard in section |09.3| and here: |clipboard|.
- ==============================================================================
- *04.8* Text objects
- If you are halfway a word and want to delete that word, you need to move back
- to its start before you can do "dw". There is a simpler way to do this:
- "daw".
- this is some example text. ~
- daw
- this is some text. ~
- The "d" of "daw" is the delete operator. "aw" is a text object. Hint: "aw"
- stands for "a word". Thus "daw" is "delete a word".
- Using text objects is the third way to make changes in Vim. We already had
- operator-motion and Visual mode. Now we add operator-text object.
- It is very similar to operator-motion, but instead of operating on the text
- between the cursor position before and after a movement command, the text
- object is used as a whole. It doesn't matter where in the object the cursor
- was.
- To change a whole sentence use "cis". Take this text:
- Hello there. This ~
- is an example. Just ~
- some text. ~
- Move to the start of the second line, on "is an". Now use "cis":
- Hello there. Just ~
- some text. ~
- The cursor is in between the blanks in the first line. Now you type the new
- sentence "Another line.":
- Hello there. Another line. Just ~
- some text. ~
- "cis" consists of the "c" (change) operator and the "is" text object. This
- stands for "Inner Sentence". There is also the "as" (a sentence) object. The
- difference is that "as" includes the white space after the sentence and "is"
- doesn't. If you would delete a sentence, you want to delete the white space
- at the same time, thus use "das". If you want to type new text the white
- space can remain, thus you use "cis".
- You can also use text objects in Visual mode. It will include the text object
- in the Visual selection. Visual mode continues, thus you can do this several
- times. For example, start Visual mode with "v" and select a sentence with
- "as". Now you can repeat "as" to include more sentences. Finally you use an
- operator to do something with the selected sentences.
- You can find a long list of text objects here: |text-objects|.
- ==============================================================================
- *04.9* Replace mode
- The "R" command causes Vim to enter replace mode. In this mode, each
- character you type replaces the one under the cursor. This continues until
- you type <Esc>.
- In this example you start Replace mode on the first "t" of "text":
- This is text. ~
- Rinteresting.<Esc>
- This is interesting. ~
- You may have noticed that this command replaced 5 characters in the line with
- twelve others. The "R" command automatically extends the line if it runs out
- of characters to replace. It will not continue on the next line.
- You can switch between Insert mode and Replace mode with the <Insert> key.
- When you use <BS> (backspace) to make correction, you will notice that the
- old text is put back. Thus it works like an undo command for the last typed
- character.
- ==============================================================================
- *04.10* Conclusion
- The operators, movement commands and text objects give you the possibility to
- make lots of combinations. Now that you know how it works, you can use N
- operators with M movement commands to make N * M commands!
- You can find a list of operators here: |operator|
- For example, there are many other ways to delete pieces of text. Here are a
- few often used ones:
- x delete character under the cursor (short for "dl")
- X delete character before the cursor (short for "dh")
- D delete from cursor to end of line (short for "d$")
- dw delete from cursor to next start of word
- db delete from cursor to previous start of word
- diw delete word under the cursor (excluding white space)
- daw delete word under the cursor (including white space)
- dG delete until the end of the file
- dgg delete until the start of the file
- If you use "c" instead of "d" they become change commands. And with "y" you
- yank the text. And so forth.
- There are a few often used commands to make changes that didn't fit somewhere
- else:
- ~ change case of the character under the cursor, and move the
- cursor to the next character. This is not an operator (unless
- 'tildeop' is set), thus you can't use it with a motion
- command. It does works in Visual mode and changes case for
- all the selected text then.
- I Start Insert mode after moving the cursor to the first
- non-blank in the line.
- A Start Insert mode after moving the cursor to the end of the
- line.
- ==============================================================================
- Next chapter: |usr_05.txt| Set your settings
- Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: